Alexandria Retired Police, Fire & Sheriff Association, Inc. Membership Requirements
By Laws
Article III – Membership
There shall be four (4) classes of membership (Active, Associate, Lifetime and Surviving Spouse). Members of all classes shall have voting rights.
Section 1 Active Member – Persons honorably retired from the Alexandria Police Department, the Alexandria Fire Department or the Alexandria Sheriff’s Department, (to include employees of the Department of Emergency Communications, formerly separate units within the Police and Fire Departments, and employees of Code Administration Department, formerly a unit within the Fire Department, who were hired on or before July 1, 2011), of high moral character may, upon invitation from the membership, and by affirmative vote of a majority of the membership present at the meeting, become an Active member of the Association, and to hold office and to enjoy all the rights and benefits of the Association. (Amended 2016)
Section 2 Associate Member – Persons who have been closely associated with the Alexandria Police Department, the Alexandria Fire Department or the Alexandria Sheriff’s Department, of high moral character may, upon invitation from the membership and by affirmative vote of a majority of the membership present at the meeting, become Associate members of the Association. They will not be eligible to be voted into an office, but will be eligible to hold an office if called upon by the President or presiding officer. They will be eligible to vote, to sit on committees and to enjoy all other the rights and benefits of the Association. Their participation in all other activities of the Association will be deemed extremely beneficial to the success of the organization. (Amended 2016)
Section 3 Lifetime Member – Persons who have reached their 75th birthday and who have been a member of the Association, in good standing, for ten years prior to attaining such age, will be known as Lifetime Members. He or she shall not have to pay dues, but will enjoy all the rights and benefits of the Association. (Amended 2016)
Section 4 Surviving Spouse – The surviving spouse of a member in good standing at the time of his/her death, may automatically, upon application to the Association, become a lifetime Surviving Spouse Member and enjoy all of the rights and benefits of the Association. They will not be eligible to be voted into office, but will be eligible to hold an office if appointed by the President or presiding officer. They will be eligible to vote and sit on committees and to enjoy all other rights and benefits of the Association. (Amended 2016)