New ARPFSA Name Badges Are Ready To Order
Thanks to the hard work of the New Association Name Badge Committee, the new Association name badges are ready for purchase. Below is the design for the new Association name badge.
The badge is gold, made of plastic, and is 2”x3”. It’ll have a magnetic clothes attachment. If, because of medical reasons, the magnet can be left off and a lanyard can be used. (You must purchased a lanyard separately elsewhere.)
The logo and Association name are set and cannot be changed. You, of course can have your name printed and any appropriate and acceptable title (e.g., any Association Officer (President, 1st Vice President, etc.) Life member, Surviving Spouse, Active Member, Associate Member) directly underneath your name. The last line may be your Department.
Only currently paid-in-full members can order the new Association name badge printing out and completing the order form (click here for order form), and mailing it, along with $15 for each badge, to: ARPFSA, PO Box 1632, Alexandria, VA 22313 or bringing your completed order form to an Association meeting. Thanks to the new badge committee for all their hard work in making this project come to fruition. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me directly at:
President, ARPFSA